Saturday 29 December 2012

Who Needs An Advocate In The New Year

I know I will mess up alot this year. Hopefully less than last year. But what encourages me the most about the new year is the following truth:

I have an advocate, someone pleading in my behalf.

As believers, we all have Christ as our advocate.

In 1 John chapter 2, John writes, "My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous."

I believe John wants us to know sin is not a necessary component of the Christ life. Yet, because we live in a broken world and struggle daily here, he knows we will. So his very next sentence, gently reminds us,

"Hey, even though you don't have to sin, I know it will happen. But here's the good news: Christ is already pleading on your behalf....that sin is already taken care of by me...Christ."

Furthermore, as a woman of God, I believe the apostle John is telling me, just like Christ told the woman at the well, now because you have experienced me.... go and sin no more.

I am blown away personally by how God wants me to know Him. How available He is to speak to me intimately at any time I quiet my soul and seek Him through His word.

Will 2013 be a time when you get to know God more..

experience Him advocating for you

and respond to Him as advocate by going and

sinning no more

Sin is a hard word to write about. No one likes to be called out on their sin. In my world, as well as the apostle John's, belief was paramount to experiencing God. In other words, might our lack of experiencing God be a result of some form of unbelief, known also as sin.

Even today I wrestled with unbelief regarding living my single mom life. 

Gently, the Father reminded me that although my life may be filled with good deeds and righteous acts, I struggle with belief that He will give me the desires of my heart regarding a mate.  The struggle to believe that He really is big enough to solve the dilemma of a single mom with five children is ongoing.

 Yeah, I know, it even sounds kinda lame here as I write. I mean He did part the Red Sea.

But I do struggle and my unbelief is sin. 

The beautiful reality though is that He has that sin covered and pleads on my behalf as my advocate in spite of my unbelief.

 He loves me enough to show me my sin, allowing me to confess and experience Him more fully.

My prayer  is that 2013 will be full of such times for you as well as me. And I would love to hear about them here.



Tuesday 18 December 2012

The Danger of Comparison

The use of comparison can be helpful often when making big purchasing a car, deciding on a college, or even what stereo system you want for Christmas.

However, as women, I know we often use comparison of ourselves to other women to measure how we are doing? This is especially true if someone comes upon some success. It is easy to wonder, "what am I doing wrong?"

Or on the other end of the spectrum, we see someone struggling and in comparison end up feeling pretty puffed up about ourselves who are making it fine in that arena.

I heard this advice once about comparing ourselves to others:

"When we compare ourselves to others we either end up with feelings of inadequacy or an air of superiority."

Here at Christmas we talk and hear about Jesus being the light of the world.

In 1 John 1:5-10, we find a healthy comparison of light and darkness, which indicates who God is.


God is light...
when we walk in light we have fellowship with God
and we have fellowship with one another
and the blood of Jesus cleanses me from sin


God is not darkness
When we walk in darkness we have no fellowship with God or one another
and we are in deception
and His word is not in this person
and we are in denial of sin
 we say they have no sin so truth is not in them

Won't you this Christmas season realize who God is..That truly He is the light of the world. 

And should you find yourself in a comparison mindset this holiday season, make sure you are comparing those things that make an eternal diference.



Sunday 16 December 2012

Complete Joy...How to have it!

The disciple John was passionate for those around him to walk in truth. We share that same passion. In the wake of a time when senseless tragedy occurs, we ask the question "why?"

I believe I will finish my life with the answer, "because someone did not the truth." This is not a post about Friday's tragedy, or mental illness, or guns, but about sharing the truth with others.

I do have opinions about all three areas, but I want to remain intentional about the truth of God's word.

I have found that knowing the nature and character of God as revealed through His word equips me to remain steady in the wake of tragedy or simply a hard place in life.

 In 1st John, chapter one, the disciple Jesus loved went even further to say, knowing truth would yield


Isn't that what we all want? Joy?

From verses 1-4 of chapter one:

As the disciples walked and learned from Jesus by spending time with Him and determining the truth...he is the WORD OF LIFE, we too can know Him better by spending time with Him.

As the disciples proclaimed Christ to others, we too can proclaim Christ to others.

Then the equation presents itself from the passage:

Spending time in God's word + Proclaiming God = 
Complete Joy

Tonight we will celebrate at Lacey's Spring United Methodist Church in Lacey's Spring, Alabama the giving out of God's word and the proclaiming of God through a sweet Christmas story and song.

I suspect we will all have complete joy by the time the night is over.

Each week Mom Heart Lacey meets to equip moms and children to know God through biblical storytelling, great children's literature, and practical life skills.

It is the desire of Mom Heart that no mother or child in our community ever feel alone or not know the truth of God's love.

Our gift tonight to the church is a way of saying "thank you" for opening your doors to our families for the giving out of truth each week.

If your life lacks joy, what changes will you make to spend more time with God and to proclaim Him through the gifts and abilities He has already given you.

Rather than wait for a New Year's resolution, decide to today to have more joy and take the steps to find complete joy.

Struggling with apathy, grace to you...ask God for a willingness to know Him more.

He has a wonderful way of coming to us as we are...come Lord Jesus.

Love and JOY,


Wednesday 14 November 2012

Christ...the Model for Inspiration

Today, I have the opportunity to share online with hundreds or maybe thousands of mommas. I get to pass along who and what inspires me in my life. Find more at about one of the many blessings of my recent trip to Uganda.

Would you consider today whom it is that inspires you. When you leave this person's presence you feel encouraged, refreshed, equipped, and finally inspired to go and do great things yourself.

If you do not have anyone presently inspiring you to greatness, would you ask the Father today to send someone your way to love and inspire you.

Then steady yourself because your world just might be turned upside down!

Love, Pam

Monday 12 November 2012

For when you've done all you know to do and it still hurts

I know when I am under the weather, everything emotional is magnified. So I am trying to keep things in perspective.

However, today is a grief filled day. Not sure if it's because rain and leaves are falling. The trees are dying to winter. Could be because it's Veteran's Day. Although, my Grandfather's service is way before my time, I am mature enough to take in that countless lives have been given so I can write today in freedom.

I have done all I know to do to combat the grief. I have spent last night and this morning subduing my home....that is bringing it to productivity. I have moved furniture, swept, dusted....some...put away and thrown away.

Both last night and this morning I cooked home goodness for my boys, sweet neighbor Debbie, and John's friends who stayed overnight. Last night we had Santa Fe Soup and this morning scrambled eggs, pork chops, oven baked potatoes mixed with sweet peppers, and cinnamon sugar toast.

I even remembered to return the redbox movie.

I purposefully DID NOT listen to sad music, run the six month movie in my head of my once in a lifetime love, or dredge up memories of our last day or his sudden death.

Yet in spite of my best intentions, my body is filled with loss this day.

All I know is that what I cling to today is:

Come to me all ye who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, for my  yoke is easy and my burden is light.

I need a lighter burden......

Monday 15 October 2012

A true story of poverty with a happy ending!

Sally and I in Raleigh in 2011

Today is my monthly time to share at I am sharing the spotlight with  my dear friend and mentor Sally Clarkson as she continues with "Mentoring Mondays". I am happy to say my story about "What Keeps Me Up At Nights" following Sally's post has a beautiful theme of redemption as our life group delivers beds and more this evening to this sweet family in need.

Thank you Melanie for finding the furniture on Craigslist...the calls, texts, etc...TIME

Thank you Jason and Doc for driving half an hour and loading up the furniture.

Thank you Jason Page and Jason Yepma for delivering and setting up the furniture.

Thank you Amanda and Sigrid for contributing sheets, blankets.

Thank you to the missionary on furlough who chooses to remain anonymous for hearing about this need and generously contributing toward this cause. What a pleasure it was to meet you.

Thank you God for the power of redemption and the sweetness to participate in your work.

Love, Pam

Thursday 11 October 2012

My First Born Son is Fourteen Today!

Happy Birthday John Jay. Thank you for making my world a better place. It is such a joy to watch you growing up.

Have fun today traveling to Auburn, the great plains, to watch your sister do what she softball. War Eagle!

Always keep family close at heart and may we always be a safe haven for you.

Have fun spending time with our friend Mark and Lawren, your oldest sister, as you travel together and get to check out of school early.

Always remember that we go the extra mile to value people as you all are valuing Mary today.

Mark is taking off work to travel. Lawren is joining you all after working  since six am this morning, while each have responsibilities tomorrow. Yet, you won't be home til very late.

Enjoy your time with Uncle Johnny today as he travels to Auburn from Atlanta...not only to see Mary but also to enjoy time with his niece and nephew.

Families are forever and we get to invest in  each other's lives daily.

We, as the rest of the community I am certain, are excited about basketball getting started. I applaud you taking your gifts and abilities seriously. You will be rewarded for pressing into the talents God has given you and your leadership to your team as well.

And for any moms taking the time to read today, these past 14 years have flown by. Enjoy your time with your children. Lay aside what keeps you from doing so. They grow up so quickly. Treasure the time...

Happy Birthday John Jay!

 Love, Mom

Sunday 23 September 2012

I am glad God never forgets...

I am so thankful God never forgets but I often do. My last post was about the great rescue I experienced last weekend as we ushered in two birthdays.

But I forgot someone important. My dear friend Carol Kerstein, who opened up her pool for Hannah to have a swim party.

We had been planning this for months...ever since summer.

So when the time finally came it didn't seem like an apparent rescue. Yet, in hindsight her willingness to open her heart and home to 14 under the age of 12 plus a few parents and friends was the initial phase of the rescue.

We text back and forth of the birthday week wondering would the pool be too cold for a  September party? Hannah played ball at a nearby park til 7:15. So the party was planned from 7:30 to 9:00 pm.

My Hannah Rosie with her friend Hannah B

The kids played, built cheerleader pyramids, and flipped off the diving board for the entire time. It was most likely Hannah's all time favorite birthday celebration.

So, thank you Carol Kerstein for being part of my rescue.

And thank you God that you never forget about us

Take it seriously, that you’re my servant. I made you, shaped youYou’re my servant. O Israel, I’ll never forget you. (Isaiah 44:21-22)

But even if mothers forget, I’d never forget younever. Look, I’ve written your names on the backs of my hands. (Isaiah 49:15)

So, even in my forgetfulness to mention everyone who blessed me last weekend, I am so very thankful to the one true God who never forgets about me or my friends.

Aren't you?

O Happy Day,


Wednesday 19 September 2012

My two birthday weekend!

I was rescued this past weekend.

It is a single mom's story of rescue when life gets overwhelming. As most of my life finds, there is a lesson in the story.

Hannah turns 12 and Lawren turns 20...Breakfast at Another Broken Egg

Coming home from Africa and jumping into the American time culture has been harder than I expected or imagined. Everything is slow in Africa. Not only is the African culture slower but also other elements of the mission trip presented new challenges back at home.

For example, all my meals were prepared for me, someone drove me around for two weeks, and a leader told me where to go and what to do. Back home I am in charge of daily food prep, schedules, and transportation.

In addition a new job schedule with increased hours had me hitting the ground running literally.

So, when this past weekend approached, the timing of celebrating two birthdays seemed somewhat overwhelming. But then came the rescue.

As early as Thursday friends were calling and texting to celebrate with Hannah. Thursday  night friends and neighbors took Hannah to Octoberfest. Here's her prize!

Mt "top banana" Hannah Rosie...who is now 12!

Thank you Debbie and Ashley Doyle for being part of the rescue!

Actually, the rescue started earlier with God's provision of extra work which provided money to give my girls for their birthdays. The mission trip depleted most of what was extra. Since we don't give regularly, on my single parent income, we do BIG on birthdays. So I am so thankful for the extra work which allowed our tradition to continue without being a hardship.

Earlier in the week a good friend offered to treat the two birthday girls Lawren and Hannah and myself to breakfast, while performing Lawren's job duties at church AND driving to pick up my boys and bring them back to church. Sunday morning provided a leisure Sunday breakfast with my girls at Another Broken Egg.

Thank you Mark Butcher for being part of my weekend's rescue.

Lawren, even though it was her big day (she is 20 now) made sure the three younger children were cared for Sunday afternoon while I worked and came home to cook for her own birthday dinner Sunday night. So while I served lunch to about 55 for a couple's forty- fifth wedding anniversary in Hampton Cove, I offered a prayer of thanksgiving to God.

Thank you Lawren, my sweet daughter, for being part of my weekend's rescue.

Happy 20th Birthday Lawren..You are such a blessing!

Finally, there is my sweet and long time high school friend Pat. During my entire 45 minute workout on Friday after MomHeart, Pat casually asked about my weekend plans. I tried to sound excited about celebrating and trust the Father in spite of my fatigue. Pat offered to help...even making suggestions. Pride was long removed and I jumped at the offer.

So while I worked and went straight to a ballgame of Hannah's, Pat got all the food ready, put balloons on the mailbox, set everything up beautifully, and brought hot pizza when the kids arrived for the swim party. Their were skittles abounding, a cupcake cake, chips and salsa, fresh veggies and dip, tiny cokes, and hot pizza....every 12 year old's feast.

Thank you Pat Traglia for being part of my weekend's rescue.

As I finish up the story I am overwhelmed by the goodness and love of God. And today I am thankful for friends who love and serve us.... Friends that think out of the box about expressing God's love for my family.

And I remember a greater rescue. The rescue of God from a life of addiction, alcoholism, and other sin.

Psalms 40:2

Like David, I experienced this:

I waited and waited for God. 
At last he looked; and finally he listened. 
He lifted me out of the ditch,
 pulled me from deep mud. 
He stood me up on a solid rock
 to make sure I wouldn't slip.
 He taught me how to sing the latest God-song, 
a praise-song to our God. 

I am so thankful for the rescue of God. Without it, I would have missed my rescue this weekend. What has your most recent rescue looked like? 

Love, Pam

Thursday 30 August 2012

The Love Story Prayer Request Day 16

Psalm 30    Day 16 of the Love Story

Thank you Father that your favor is for a lifetime.

Though weeping may come, there is joy in the morning.

You turn my mourning into dancing.

How true this is even in my own life.

 May the reality that God can take our deepest pain and loss and give us His great joy settle into the deepest recesses of the African people's hearts.

Counting on your prayers.

Love, Pam

Wednesday 29 August 2012

The Love Story Prayer Request Day 15

Psalm 29     Day 15 of the Love Story

The Lord will give strength to His people;

The Lord will bless His people with peace.


May the people of Africa know your peace and strength.


Tuesday 28 August 2012

The Love Story Prayer Request Day 14

Psalm 28    Day 14 of the Love Story


I praise you because.....You are my strength and my shield;

My heart trusts in you, and I am helped;

With my song I shall thank you.

Praise Him with me.

Love, Pam

Monday 27 August 2012

The Love Story Prayer Request Day 13

Psalm 27    Day 13 of the Love Story

For all the waiting we might do in me to remember to wait on you Lord.

Be strong and let your heart take courage.

Every time you have asked me to matter how long, your answer has been more than I could ask for or imagine.

Counting on your prayers.

Love, Pam

Sunday 26 August 2012

The Love Story Prayer Request Day 12

Psalm 26       Day 12 of the Love Story

May I proclaim today with a voice of thanksgiving declaring all your wonders...

I do love the habitation of your house..and the place where your glory dwells.


If you are stumped by the "wonder", ask the Father how He is orchestrating "wonder" in your life. Ask Him to make you aware of His work in you and your life.

Counting on your prayers.

Love, Pam

Saturday 25 August 2012

The Love Story Prayer Request Day 11

Psalm 25     Day 11 of the Love Story

May I today be able to share with other African women how I have turned to you for graciousness as I have experienced loneliness and affliction in my life.(verse 16)

May they as well lift up their soul and trust.(verse 25)

Counting on your prayers.

Love, Pam

Friday 24 August 2012

The Love Story Prayer Request Day 10

Psalm 24         Day 10 of the Love Story

The earth is the Lord's, and all it contains,

The world, and those who dwell in it.

For He has founded it upon the seas

And established it upon the rivers.(verses 1-2)

Lord, you established Africa and the people of Africa.  The same promises you make to me are for them as well.

Thank you for letting me be a part of their world and your world for this short season.

Counting on your prayers.


Thursday 23 August 2012

The Love Story Prayer Request Day 9

Psalm 23 Day 9 of the Love Story

Read aloud and don't skip over for full effect no matter how well you know it and no matter if anyone else be around;)

















Wednesday 22 August 2012

The Love Story Prayer Request Day 8

Psalm 22  Day 8 of the Love Story


Just as David foretold of the cross, may I share the truths of scripture with any you bring my way while on mission in Africa.

May the story of the Lord be told to the coming generation.

Counting on your prayers.

Love, Pam

Tuesday 21 August 2012

The Love Story Prayer Request Day 7

Psalm 21 The Love Story Day 7

I praise you for the joy you have given me for this mission trip. I cannot remember a time of more excitement. I praise you Father for it is you who...

Makes me  blessed forever and joyful with gladness in your presence(verse 6)

May the joy of the Lord in  me spill over into the lives of the Ugandans. May it be so attractive that they desire to know that joy as well.

In Jesus Name,


Monday 20 August 2012

The Love Story Prayer Request Day 6

Psalm 20 Day 6 of the Love Story


My heart's desire is to do your will. I desire to listen and move as your Spirit directs. May I simply be a vessel of your love and mercy.

Thank you for giving us our heart's birthed this desire to go to Africa inside of me.

You now are fulfilling your purpose.

Pray these truths of God's unending love and purpose for His people take root in the lives of the Ugandans we meet.

Counting on your prayers.

Love, Pam

Sunday 19 August 2012

The Love Story Prayer Request Day 5

Psalm 19      Day 5 of the Love Story

As we share our testimonies in various settings in Africa, may our words be sweeter than honey and more desirable than gold, than much fine gold just as the judgments of the Lord are true...they are righteous altogether. May our testimonies be inviting that many want to taste the sweetness of God.

May all the words of our mouths and meditations of our hearts be acceptable in Thy sight oh Lord, my strength and my redeemer.

Counting on your prayers.

Love, Pam

Saturday 18 August 2012

The Love Story Prayer Request Day 4

Psalm 18  Day 4 of the Love Story

I praise you for you are my:

My Rock and my Fortress and my Deliverer
My Rock in whom I take refuge
My Shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold
Worthy to be praised
He hears my voice
He took me...He drew me out of many waters..He delivered me from my strong enemy


Thank you that....
By you I can run upon a troop
leap over a wall
He sets my feet upon high places
Your gentleness makes me great
You enlarge my steps under me and my feet have not slipped

May the nature and character of God overwhelm you and empower you this today.

Counting on your prayers.

Love, Pam

Friday 17 August 2012

The Love Story Prayer Request Day 3

Psalm 17  Day 3 of the Love Story

I praise you for your lovingkindness (verse 7) How I love that I am the apple of your eye Lord. It is what every woman be wanted. Hide me Lord in the shadow of your wings (verse 8)

My sweet friend Teresa, from life group, prayed over both Lawren and I as we left group this past Sunday....she reminded us we were "tucked under His wing".

May those whom the Father crosses my path in Kampala, Banda, or Kisoro  be told has well how precious and safe they are in His arms.

Counting on your prayers.

Love, Pam

Thursday 16 August 2012

The Love Story Prayer Request Day 2

Psalm 16..Day 2 of the Love Story

I praise you Father for you are my refuge (verse1) You are my portion and my cup; you support my lot (verse 5)

Along with me, please thank the Lord for His counseling...He instructs us even in the night (verse 7)

I thank the Lord for a beautiful heritage (verse 6)...not only my earthly heritage but my kingdom heritage as well.

Help me Lord to be an encouragement to the people of Africa as I share these truths.

Counting on your prayer.

Love, Pam

Wednesday 15 August 2012

The Love Story Prayer Request Day 1

From Psalm 15, today please pray for the Uganda team and my family at home. Even better pray it for yourself..

May we walk with integrity and speak truth in our heart in order to abide with the Lord.

Counting on your prayers.

Love, Pam

The Love Story Continues here at home.

The time is finally here. It is 4 a.m. I will get little sleep today but will be on a plane to Uganda in less than 8 hours.

I suspect in spite of my excitement, the hardest part of leaving is not being at college with my Mary on Friday as she sets up her new dorm room, gets her books from the college bookstore, and settles into a new way of life.

But the worst part is I can't even call. I will most likely just recently landed and begun ministry as Mary takes off for Snead State.

I guess this the place where the rubber meets the road in regards to our faith. Do I really believe that God orchestrated this for me to be away.


Do I understand it.


Is it a big deal.


Can He handle it.



May you be all that you are to me to my sweet Mary as well. May your presence surround her as well as us as we go, individually and collectively to make disciples in both Boaz, AL and Kampala,

Thank you that you are an Omnipresent God...present everywhere all the time.

Thank you that time has no boundaries in your economy. A day is like a thousand years to you.

So it really doesn't matter that we will be 8 hours ahead. You have got  it all covered and we are all tucked under your wing.

And as the love story of Simon and Aggie will continue in Kampala, the Graves family love story continues as well. God is at work in each of His families restoring, blessing, and gracing each of our lives.

Thanks God for continuing to care for all the details of our lives.

I love you and applaud you and my family for their loving support of making this dream a reality for me.

I can't wait to share more when I return.

Thanks to each of you who have prayed, will continue to pray, and even given financially.

You are a blessing.

Love, Pam

Friday 10 August 2012

The Love Story Sharon and Lawren

It's only five days until we take off for Uganda. Even counting the days on my fingers gets butterflies going in my stomach and quickens my heart rate. Even coming off a phenomenal family vacation to the beach I can't remember a time when I have been so excited about something. I wonder often if how I feel parallels Habakkuk..the old testament prophet who said, "I stand at the ramparts, waiting." It is with the same anticipation I wait for Wednesday to get onto that plane.

Many of you know I have a heart for moms and ministry to moms. It was three years ago I began a Mom Heart group here at the local YMCA, which has included outreach to both moms and children.  I am privileged to contribute my mom heart also at

Part of the blessing of being a mom is the opportunity to teach and do missions together as a family. We typically participate in whatever we can to be the hands and feet of Christ whether it is sharing with a neighbor or going somewhere else to serve.

It was about three years ago that my oldest daughter Lawren dedicated her life to christian ministry. She spent six months after graduating from high school in Berlin with YWAM in a discipleship training school. Today her plans are to return there in May for a  two year commitment using her gift of dance to minister. She is about to launch a six month period of sharing her dream inviting others to come on board as supporters. She is currently serving at Life's Journey church as a mission's intern. Here is Lawren with Aggie Paech on her recent trip to Uganda in February.

Nothing sweeter to a momma than a child's heart sold out to the Lord.

But something also exciting has been happening in Uganda in the Paech family. Sharon, Aggie's oldest daughter, has been part of a song talent show similar to our American Idol. The competition is over now. Although Sharon was not the top winner, she performed outstanding and make it to the top six.

You will never guess who she dedicated her final original song to......HER MOM. You can read more of the explanation of the song at Simon explains in the video blog why so many women in Uganda can relate to Sharon's song about mothers. I know I can relate as a single mom as well.

However, whatever your situation is, what a privilege and responsibility it is to disciple your children. I simply cannot write all the hardships that Aggie has shared regarding her abusive marriage and raising her family without a husband. Here is the house Aggie raised her 5 kids in:

In spite of dire circumstances, Aggie Paech trusted the promises of God to be true. The Father has been restoring and redeeming what was lost for Aggie. Part of this process of restoration is the blessing of Godly children.

Enjoy Sharon's video and may you, as well, take seriously the call to make disciples of your children.
Be a part of this story of redemption by clicking on the paypal button along the right side of blog. We are still raising support.

Excited and anticipating,


Sunday 5 August 2012

The Love Story Continues with Aggie's Arts

It is only 10 days until we depart for Africa. On my heart for the past few days have been the ladies from Banda. Many of these ladies escaped the abusive rule of warlord Joseph Kony by fleeing south.

The Ugandan government created a place for them in Banda near a rock quarry where many worked.

Aggie Paech, the missionary in Kampala introduced these ladies to a new way of life not only in Christ but also through Aggie's Arts, a bead making industry allowing the ladies to provide for their basic needs and free them from the treacherous work in the quarry.

Please take a few moments to watch the video below describing the Aggie's Arts Ministry.

May I also introduce my sweet friend Amanda, who loves these ladies dearly. She loves them so much that she became the Aggie's Arts executive director. With the help of friends and ministry partners a website has been developed and you can visit them at  Recently, they were approved as a fair trade item, which should open even more doors to sell Aggie's Arts to help the women in Banda.

Amanda sporting her Aggie's Arts!

As you can tell by the video, these are women like you and me, who have families they are trying to support. They each have their own story to tell and I am looking forward to hearing them!

Many thanks to those of you who have taken the time to click on the paypal button to support us on our upcoming trip. For anyone still interested in helping, it's not too late! Several of us on the team still need   support to complete our fundraising. If you know someone who has a heart for missions feel free to share these stories here.

God has been at work long before this trip and even long before Simon and Aggie came on the scene. Yet, He invites us to join Him and the work He is doing there. Even if a trip to Africa is not on your radar, then maybe you can be on board by giving rather than going.

Either way, you are part of the love story and I am glad you've come along.

Love, Pam

Wednesday 25 July 2012

More on the love story in Kisoro

I simply cannot wait to meet Pastor George and his family...mostly because of Lawren, my oldest daughter's experience there in February. As she described the beauty of Kisoro, she also shared the wonderful experience with Pastor George's family. "Mom, you are going to love it in Kisoro. Pastor George's family is just like ours. There are always people in and out of his house."

 In the last 24 hours, including the dishwasher repair man, there have been 14 people around at various times. I won't even start to count the stray dog and her puppies that my kids incessantly are sneaking into the house....or the new hamster that everyone is trying to adjust to since Squirt got out of his cage and went missing.

But there is one word that sums up my excitement about the whole trip: DISCIPLESHIP.

It might take the rest of my life for the reality to sink in that I get to to and make disciples of another nation. I get to participate in a river baptism similar to my own personal baptism. I get to share the importance of discipleship to both women and children.

See, the message is vital because I was one that fell through the cracks. Sure I had Godly people in and out of my life as a child but it wasn't until I wound up pregnant as a young single woman in Dodge City, Kansas right out of college that real discipleship began.

It was then that my church friend Meg began pressing into my life...asking the hard questions, showing up with dinner, inviting me over to hang out with her family, doing life together...all the while whispering the secrets of the kingdom of God to me. And although it was something totally new and even foreign to me, my soul latched on.

I don't want those women and children of Kisoro to fall through the cracks. If the Father allows, I want to whisper the secrets of the kingdom of God to them while I talk about the ministry of Christ and his disciples.

Would you please pray that their hearts be receptive and they too latch on. Furthermore, pray they go and make disciples in their own families and communities.

Yeah! I got the video to work. I hope it works for you as well. Enjoy and thank you for being a part of my love story.

Love, Pam

Please click on the paypal button to the right to give to our fundraising support for this upcoming trip.  

Saturday 21 July 2012

The Love Story Continues in Kisoro....

The love story of Simon and Aggie Paech, missionaries in Kampala, Uganda continues here at River of Life . Today's story focuses on the work God is doing in Kisoro, a town southwest of Kampala.

Simon and Aggie met Pastor George, from Kisoro, while attending seminary classes. After hearing the work God was doing through Pastor George there, the Paech's knew it would be a wonderful opportunity to join God where He was already at work.

Kisoro Kids is the newest ministry birthed to Uganda Journey, who is partnering with Pastor George and the Kisoro Baptist Association to provide an educational experience for kids in Kisoro. Currently Uganda Journey is supporting 40 kids that otherwise would  not be able to attend school.

How do I get to be  a part of this love story?

Well, in February my sweet oldest daughter Lawren, my friend Chris, and my dear friend Amanda flew to Uganda on a type of scouting trip. Their purpose was to logistically map out, based on time spent with existing ministries, how our upcoming team could be most effective. See, we really want to be an ongoing part of the people's lives associated  with Simon and Aggie. If Simon and Aggie are being the hands and feet of Jesus, then we from home, their sending church Life's Journey, want to be the arms, legs, and rest of the body.

Anyway, during the scouting trip, the three, along with Simon and Aggie drove to Kisoro to meet  Pastor George and his family.

It was on that trip that Pastor George said he needed someone to come in and talk to the people in the Kisoro churches about being a Godly wife and mother. Both Amanda and Lawren immediately knew discipleship was my heart throb. The existing Momheart ministry I am privileged  to lead here will carry right over into the lives of the Ugandan women.

From The Taste of New Wine by Keith Miller, on discipleship, "Only Jesus Christ who bids us follow Him, knows the journeys end. But we do know that it will be a road of boundless mercy. Discipleship means joy."

I wanted to include a video here of the work going on in Kisoro but it's not cooperating. So enjoy below a few pictures Chris took while there in February. All of these were taken in Kisoro.

To be a poverty stricken nation, they sure have some joyful smiles. I think they know my Jesus. I can't wait to spend time with them and encourage them in their journey. Please help me by clicking on the pay pal button to the right of my blog. We are still raising support to go.

You too can be a part of this love story.

Love, Pam

Tuesday 17 July 2012

A True Love Story

The following is a love story...a true one. Although, by the time I am finished it will seem hard to fathom. It's not your high school sweetheart's love story, or becoming reunited with a past flame love story but rather a love story of epic proportion that could possibly shape your view about God, life, ministry, and faith. So hang on. This is the condensed version.

Simon, my church friend, went on a mission trip to Kampala, Uganda approximately 6 years ago. He went with specific motives as well as the desire to serve. What he was not expecting was to fall in love with the Ugandan woman Agnes, who interpreted for them during the trip.

Their courtship transpired over the next year via skype, phone calls,  and letters. At the end of the first year Simon made another trip to Uganda to BE CERTAIN he was hearing correctly.

A resounding "YES" was the result of their reuniting. Simon returned to the United States to began preparing for his marriage and move to another continent. He had a few details to iron out:)

Have I mentioned his fiance Aggie had five children. At our last shared meal together at Guthries on Bailey Cove, I applauded Simon for giving me great hope for my life as a single mom of five children that any man would ever love me.

Within the next year or so, Simon left his job at UAH, said goodbye to family and friends and headed to Uganda to begin this new venture as a missionary to serve alongside his new wife Aggie. Thank goodness for internet as we all vicariously celebrated their marriage here in the states as well.

This past September Simon, Aggie, and their newest family member Ivy came to Huntsville to spend time in the states. It was Aggie's first trip to the US. We had their family in our home for a meet and greet. It was an opportunity for the missionaries to share some of what their ministry needs are and give people an opportunity to support them. I decorated a wall of my living room to honor their arrival.

Notice the Noah's Ark right below their pictures and Hannah's artwork. The plaque to the top right of the ark reads, "Without faith it is impossible to please God" from Hebrews.

That day around 30 people, a great percentage of the crowd college and school age kids, heard me make the following comment and question:

"Simon, you are part of a crazy love story. You go on a mission trip, fall in love, return to the states, court overseas, leave your job, marry a black women with five kids, and move across the ocean. I equate your faith to that of Noah. That's the kind of faith I want these kids here today to have. Now that you have followed God, what have you heard from him since you've been in Uganda."

Simon answered with another beautiful part of the story that filled in the blanks. You must read this with Simon's Australian accent or it won't be the same. He said, "You know, I sponsored a kid through Compassion international for ten years. When I heard about that first trip 6 years ago, I wondered if it might be an opportunity to meet my child. It turned out to be the same location so I signed up. Meeting and growing to love Aggie was easy but getting past the sheer magnitude of five kids was something I had to work through with the Lord. I felt as though God said, "Simon, you have been faithful with this one child for ten years and now I am giving you five! So I kind of feel like they're my trophies."

Now I get to be a part of the love story....

When the Lord called me to go on this mission trip, there was alot to work through myself. How much sense does it make to the average person for a single mom of five kids to lose two weeks of pay from her part time job, pack up, find childcare for 15 days for those remaining home, and raise support to go share the love of Christ with the people of Uganda. As I continued to question the Lord, argue with the Lord, and try to literally stuff the thoughts and desire to go, the Lord reminded me of my comment made the day the Paechs were in my home. When I said, I want my kids to have that kind of faith, the faith like Noah and you. The Father said, "Pam, I want YOU to have that kind of faith."

So friends, I leave August 15 for Kampala, Uganda to serve alongside a wonderful team of folks through Life's Journey Church. My sweet friend Amy has added a paypal button to the side of my blog for any who might financially partner with me to help fund this trip. I still have a ways to go to complete my fundraising for this trip. Will you too be a part of a faith like Noah's to help carry the good news and go and make disciples of all nations.

If it's not a good time to give financially, can I count on you to pray? Specifically pray for healing from a sinus infection and restored strength as I prepare to go. Also, tomorrow we get our shots to travel. Pray for no adverse effects.

Below is a video highlighting the ministries that Uganda Journey is involved with. Please take a moment to get to know the Paechs and enter into their world for just a few. You will be blessed. I

With love and appreciation, Pam

Wednesday 20 June 2012

So much more to celebrate!

It's my turn to share today at I am sharing the limelight with my friend Cherie so you will have to look for my post about Mary's recent graduation and the excitement surrounding it. Please hop over and leave your comments! I would love to hear how God is answering prayer in your life as well.

Love, Pam

Thursday 14 June 2012

Sometimes they tell you.....

I often was told during my earlier parenting years to write things down when your kids did something great, funny, cute, etc. Usually the advice came along with the truth that children grow up fast and the reality that you might forget the incident. I am adding this truth: It is important to record your memories with your children because there can be periods of time when the fruit in their life is few and far between.

On the days when there is bickering, squabbling, name calling, and days your kids must certainly be aliens, you will want to remember the good times. During the hard times, it helps to look back on our recordings to remember there are fun, happy, joy filled moments of child rearing.

I don't have beautiful scrapbooks or know how to make beautiful pictures on the computer. Yet, I am alot better at writing down via the blog or facebook or journaling what praiseworthy things are going on in my life.

God told the Israelites, as they brought the ark into Jerusalem, ""tell of all His wonderful acts" (1 Chronicles 16:9). The Israelites were exhorted to remember all God had done to deliver them. Remembering His faithfulness to His people gave them strength to press through future difficulties that surely came.

Likewise, when we remember the good fruit of our children's lives, it gives us strength to press through the difficult times when we can wonder if anything we say or do will ever make a difference.

As children of the Most High God, when we feel like we have gotten it all wrong and messed everything up as a parent (which are lies from the enemy), what a reward it is to be told by your children, that they get it.

Last January, Lawren, my oldest daughter, was completing an outreach in Chang Mai, Thailand with YWAM. She wrote the following words in a letter to me,

"I love you mom, and want you to know how amazing you are. God is good and continuing to use everything for His glory. This village is His, our family is His, and our futures are His. I am so excited to see how His authority rules over our family's lives in particular. I love you! Thank you for continuing to obey God in difficult times. It is imparting nations."

That was a moment I wanted to remember, I still today am treasuring her letter.

Likewise, my Mary, who just graduated is not much of a  talker but when she does something, it's obvious to many....not because she's's just how she communicates.

She communicates strength by hitting balls over the fence for home runs.

But when she tells me how she feels about me, this is what I get:

God is not required to give us sight of the benefits of our child training. Yet, in His mercy towards us there are moments when we can say, "Wow, they got it." I want to remember those moments.


Would you take the time to share your "ahaa" moments with your children that the Father has mercifully blessed you with?

Have a beautiful day,


Friday 18 May 2012

A Legacy of Service

A few months ago I was asked to be a part of, an online community of authors who share a like minds for their families and a heart for God. Each month has been a blessing as I get the opportunity to share my life with other moms I will one day worship with in heaven.

Today is "my day" to please join me as we ponder the legacy we leave for our families at

Love, Pam

Sunday 13 May 2012

Today will be hard for many...

Dear Moms,

The Father laid a story on my heart late last night. That's usually how my blog works. I can't seem to produce daily posts of inspiration, biblical instruction or encouragement. Most days I am in survival mode regardless of the truth that I am surviving with peace and joy.

Then the Lord gives me an experience that reaches way down into my soul and stirs the pot of emotion. The story wells up inside me and is poured out here in hopes of bringing healing, redemption, and truth into the lives of my reader.

Today the story is for moms....ones I am close to...ones I am in the process of befriending...ones the Father is yet to cross my paths with...every mom.

Today...Mother's Day....will be hard for many of you.

You might find today hard because your mother is no longer living and you miss her presence...the daily phone calls, the visits.

Or another might find today hard because she has not heard from her mother in years although she lives less than forty minutes away. The mother can't seem to overcome her past and break the strongholds present in her life. So, as my mom friends lives life here with her husband and two children without the presence of a grandmother, the loss is big and wide and deep.

One mom who married at fifteen and began her journey as a mom, now raising her grandchildren, most likely won't hear from her daughters today. Addictions, anger, and bitterness will prevent them from honoring their mother in spite of their own tangled up childhood.

What about the mom in Wal-Mart on Friday who was noticed by one of my dearest friends as well as security. My friend shared the story of how she noticed the woman as she came in and saw security following her. The two met again in the garden center and my friend confronted her telling her that she was being watched. The woman fell apart and shared openly how DHR had taken her three kids from her.

And finally, more commonly, are my friends who will struggle today as we celebrate to honor moms because their moms are still falling short of their expectations as a mom. My friends who have deep rooted emotional needs that went unmet as a child who now continue to experience pain because their moms are just not in a place yet to be a need meeter for them.

These moms will make some effort, out of obligation and tradition, to buy a plant or card and maybe even share lunch with their mom today. But their hearts will remain hurt because their expectations remain high and their pain has not healed from past hurts.

Some both daughters, who are moms, and their moms remain in complete denial that anything is wrong at all and live life with knee-jerk responses to situations because they have yet to come to terms with their own messes.

Every mom has a story AND THEIR MOM HAS HER OWN STORY. It is my heart's desire in my life and community to know the hearts of moms the Father surrounds me with. Here's why:

The entire cannon of scripture is a love story of redemption. You ever wonder why women are drawn to love stories....we desire to be desired. The Bible from Genesis to Revelation is a complete love story of the Creator of the Universe calling His people to Himself....they continuously pull away even often rebelling against Him only to find misery....and, prayerfully, returning to their first love finding a life of abundance. It is our story today...He desires us

"I have loved you with an everlasting love" Jeremiah 31:3...He made you and He loves you!

"Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord, who has compassion on you." Isaiah 54:10  No matter what happens in our lives, God's love for us cannot be shaken.

"Woe to them because they have strayed from me...rebelled against me! I long to redeem them" Hosea 7:13. He wanted to buy us back (redeem us) all through the Old Testament and HE DID....we just celebrated that on Easter Sunday...remember? Jesus, died to buy us back to Himself SO WE COULD BE FREE.

Yet,  often we reject these truths. In our stubbornness, pride, bitterness and resentment, we can stay away for generations...blaming, criticizing, even slandering one another. Today will be hard for these moms.

I want every woman I ever meet, especially moms, to know they are beautiful and powerful because they are created in the image of God...thereby having a deposit in their life bank of His goodness, love, and mercy, that each mom GETS to extend to others.

Kay Warren says it like this in her book, Dangerous Surrender:

"God is the only one who can enter into the caves of your inmost being and not be terrified or repulsed by what He sees. He was the only one who knew all along how wounded and broken I was on the inside. He was the only one who could meet me there with forgiveness, mercy, and healing. God saw all the garbage--the shameful thoughts and behavior, the secret guilt and shame-that was ripping me up. But God in his massive, almost unfathomable mercy looked deep within me and said, "I love you...I know it all...and I still love you." He says the same to you.


May you walk in this truth this Mother's Day. I would love for you to share your story with me here on in person anytime.

Love, Pam

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Simple pleasures revisited

I think I once shared with you my answer to the then challenging question three simple pleasures.... things that don't cost anything but when afforded you, bring great delight. I now know these pleasures as to produce a heart of thanksgiving in me as well.

My first simple pleasure is crossing the bridge daily to come home from wherever I've been..... be it work, Mom Heart, or the YMCA. When I cross that bridge over the muddy waters of the Tennessee River the tension starts ebbing down from my shoulders into my lower back and releases from my physical  body.

It doesn't matter that reckless kids are waiting on me or ball practices or supper to cook....everything is better at home. The picture above was taken yesterday. It was an afterthought. And this writing did not warrant me turning around to get the full view of coming into home. No, I was not willing to go back...I was too close to home...didn't want that stress creeping back up.

I am learning that simple pleasures provide opportunity to say thanks to God for His many gifts. Our Friday Mom Heart group is finishing up One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. I am learning "Eucharisteo"...the giving of thanks. Packed into that one word is the Greek word for JOY, GRACE, AND THANKSGIVING. I am further learning that eucharisteo, or the giving of thanks, always precedes the miracle.

So, in essence, I cross the simple pleasure...I give thanks to God...I am graceful and joyful.

Here are some other beautiful pictures of eucharisteo....


Easter Morning Breakfast

My joyful Hannah Rosie leaving a game the only way she knows how!

But today I am most thankful for the Father's love for He knows the desires of my heart. Because I  delight in Him, He gives me those desires. Yesterday was Thomas' tenth birthday. My baby is double digits! I had no money for dinner, three children going in three different directions for ball games, and faced the possibility of working later than usual. I just kept giving it all over to the Lord...He knew how much I wanted to make the evening special for Thomas. I just kept thanking Him even for the difficult place I was in.

The baby...always bringing laughter

So, unexpectedly, my brother shared the rent money from property down the street, my oldest daughter Lawren came by work, got the money, the grocery list and the menu, AND ALL BALL GAMES WERE CANCELLED. Finally, I only had to work about 30 minutes over!!! Last but not least...Thomas called on the way home and ask for a bbq chicken pizza to go with the spaghetti sissy was making....."You know's special for my birthday."

With thanksgiving again, I delivered a gift basket on the way home from work. The extra $10 delivery fee paid for his pizza. When we prayed over Thomas at dinner, I thanked God for rearranging our schedules, and bringing rain so we could all be together.

What are you thankful for and what miracles are you experiencing as a result of your thanksgiving? I would love to hear from you!

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Two years's easier to breathe

Yesterday marked the two year anniversary of the tragic death of the man I loved. 

In the beginning there were days that I did not think I could breathe.

Physiologically, there was something in my body that would go off around 2:30 every afternoon when our daily phone call after my work shift occurred.

For almost a year, around the 27th of each month, again my body responded physically to the ongoing loss.

I often wondered how I would commemorate each year after his leaving this world.

Last March 27th I was in Dalton, Georgia's hospital loving on my Mary Catherine, who incurred an extreme injury the day before playing softball. As I ushered in a year of loss, MC laid in pain from a torn spleen, bruised kidney, and a pneumothorax, a small tear in her lung. I know.... right.

At day's end, as I pondered my state, I knew I was honoring my memory in the best way...loving on my  kids. It would have been right where he would have me were he still here.

This year I am more hopeful than ever and breathing not only easier but deeper as the Father continues to fill my soul with His love and goodness. Yesterday, I tried to slow down to reflect almost feeling guilty for feeling such joy.

But the truth is God is healing me, growing me, and expanding my borders.

 So, after a long day at work, I  ushered in year two watching my tall-man John Jay hit the winning run in to win last night's baseball game.

What I am learning is that love multiplies. Spiritually, I remain connected to my lost love here on earth as he continues to cheer me on from heaven....I am constantly surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses. He continues to be my number one fan and greatest encourager.

Although he is not here physically, my experience two years ago has afforded me deep and meaningful friendships with people so dear to my love. I have gained mommas and children to love on in His physical absence to honor him and our shared time well.

Furthermore, because our time together was truly a time when God taught me about His incredible love for me, it has filled my soul in such a way that it bursts to be poured out onto others. So...what has that looked like?

Well, it has included Mom Heart small groups, weekly and monthly, Christmas outreaches with the local YMCA afterschool care program, local retreats and national conferences.
But that's not all...

There are two enormous opportunities in front of me...all a result of loving, being loved, and going deeper into the love of God.

First, a Mom Heart launch is on the horizon this fall at our local elementary school. There will be potential opportunity to push back the darkness in our community by loving on moms and their children through children's literature, and gospel storytelling.

And finally, on a larger note, which I still can't get my head or heart wrapped around...and I not sure I ever will...

I will travel this August, alongside, two of my children...Lawren, my firstborn daughter, and John Jay, my firstborn son. We will be serving in Kampala, Uganda as well as Kisoro where our church sponsors 40 children to attend schools in the area.

My arena of ministry appears to be speaking to moms on the biblical design of motherhood to three churches in the Kisoro area.

So, today, two years later I must feel like John, the disciple did, when he wrote, "Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written."

How is He stretching your heart today to love more deeply and fully. I would love to hear from you!