Sunday 16 December 2012

Complete Joy...How to have it!

The disciple John was passionate for those around him to walk in truth. We share that same passion. In the wake of a time when senseless tragedy occurs, we ask the question "why?"

I believe I will finish my life with the answer, "because someone did not the truth." This is not a post about Friday's tragedy, or mental illness, or guns, but about sharing the truth with others.

I do have opinions about all three areas, but I want to remain intentional about the truth of God's word.

I have found that knowing the nature and character of God as revealed through His word equips me to remain steady in the wake of tragedy or simply a hard place in life.

 In 1st John, chapter one, the disciple Jesus loved went even further to say, knowing truth would yield


Isn't that what we all want? Joy?

From verses 1-4 of chapter one:

As the disciples walked and learned from Jesus by spending time with Him and determining the truth...he is the WORD OF LIFE, we too can know Him better by spending time with Him.

As the disciples proclaimed Christ to others, we too can proclaim Christ to others.

Then the equation presents itself from the passage:

Spending time in God's word + Proclaiming God = 
Complete Joy

Tonight we will celebrate at Lacey's Spring United Methodist Church in Lacey's Spring, Alabama the giving out of God's word and the proclaiming of God through a sweet Christmas story and song.

I suspect we will all have complete joy by the time the night is over.

Each week Mom Heart Lacey meets to equip moms and children to know God through biblical storytelling, great children's literature, and practical life skills.

It is the desire of Mom Heart that no mother or child in our community ever feel alone or not know the truth of God's love.

Our gift tonight to the church is a way of saying "thank you" for opening your doors to our families for the giving out of truth each week.

If your life lacks joy, what changes will you make to spend more time with God and to proclaim Him through the gifts and abilities He has already given you.

Rather than wait for a New Year's resolution, decide to today to have more joy and take the steps to find complete joy.

Struggling with apathy, grace to you...ask God for a willingness to know Him more.

He has a wonderful way of coming to us as we are...come Lord Jesus.

Love and JOY,


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