Tuesday 18 December 2012

The Danger of Comparison

The use of comparison can be helpful often when making big decisions....like purchasing a car, deciding on a college, or even what stereo system you want for Christmas.

However, as women, I know we often use comparison of ourselves to other women to measure how we are doing? This is especially true if someone comes upon some success. It is easy to wonder, "what am I doing wrong?"

Or on the other end of the spectrum, we see someone struggling and in comparison end up feeling pretty puffed up about ourselves who are making it fine in that arena.

I heard this advice once about comparing ourselves to others:

"When we compare ourselves to others we either end up with feelings of inadequacy or an air of superiority."

Here at Christmas we talk and hear about Jesus being the light of the world.

In 1 John 1:5-10, we find a healthy comparison of light and darkness, which indicates who God is.


God is light...
when we walk in light we have fellowship with God
and we have fellowship with one another
and the blood of Jesus cleanses me from sin


God is not darkness
When we walk in darkness we have no fellowship with God or one another
and we are in deception
and His word is not in this person
and we are in denial of sin
 we say they have no sin so truth is not in them

Won't you this Christmas season realize who God is..That truly He is the light of the world. 

And should you find yourself in a comparison mindset this holiday season, make sure you are comparing those things that make an eternal diference.



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