Thursday 21 March 2013

River of Life Lesson on Miracles

I have seen transformation occur in the lives of others because I believed the following truth:

"But whoever has the world's goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him?' 1st John 3: 17 

When I have believed the truth that God wants me to care for the physical needs of those who are without, and act on this truth, transformation can occur.

I have seen dignity restored to young moms in families who made poor financial choices, when the body of Christ came together to provide beds, a kitchen table, and more.

And this was no miracle I pulled off on my own. I shared my heart for this family with friends, who shared with other friends. All these people believe the same truth as me. "Be not hearers but doers of the word." (James 1:22)

I am a single mom with limited financial resources but because I believe the truth of God and shared with others who believed, this young mom's physical needs were met which opened her heart to God's love and presence in her life on a daily basis. She is now serving regularly at the local Share House, the place where we first met, when she was present as a recipient rather than a giver.

Last summer one great read for me was Jim Cymbala's Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire. The following quote came from him:

"One way to recognize whether we suffer from disconnection is to look at our concern for people who are dirty...people who are 'other"...people who don't fit the core group's image. The ravages of sin are not pleasant--but they are what Jesus came to forgive and heal. "The Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost" (Luke 19:10) Yet Christians often hesitate to reach out to those who are different. They want God to clean the fish before they catch them."

 There has been no greater joy than to see hearts opened to God for His filling. In fear I asked Him, "how could I ever give or be enough for any of these deep desperate issues. It seems so overwhelming and out of control." He answered me by reminding me only the truth of His word would free them and break down strongholds in their lives. I only needed to be obedient."

Weekly at Mom Heart we pour out the truth of who God is. And He is transforming lives. We take seriously the command from James to share the world's goods with those in need. Why? Because the love of God abides in us.(1st John 3:17)

Who can you help this week. Please let me know how quickly your heart is filled with joy because you have acted obediently.

And watch for the transformation to occur. It is a miracle, something only God can do. I am so excited about Easter, in spite of having three sick at home. Miracles are something to be excited about. I still can't believe, as believers in the living God,  we get to be a part of all this.

Looking forward to hearing from you,


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