Tuesday 22 January 2013

What doesn't need to change in the New Year

The New Year brings about resolutions and changes in many lives. We want to start something new, do better in an area, or stop some bad habit all together. Yet, regarding the word of God,and the presence of God we are to abide. To abide means to to remain, stay, and continue.

From studying the first five chapters thus far of 1st John, the apostle repeatedly states who the believer is and how the believer can know and be confident in their standing with Christ.  He uses statements in 1 John 2:18-21 like...

"because you do know the truth"

"you have an anointing from the Holy One...and you all know."

"as for you, let that abide in you which you heard from the beginning."

I think back about the many things over the years that have gotten me off track. Not, that I am indicating I was out of God's will or doubt His sovereignty.

There are SO many great opportunities to be a part, which are true acts of love and service to others, allowing us to live out the great commission.

However, I know there are times I have been so lost in the ministering, I have been no where near remaining, or abiding in Christ. Irritability, tension, critical spirits surface allowing me to later see how I am attempting to operate in my own strength.

God has used these times, upon reflection, to recognize my need for greater dependency on Him and less on myself.

I was challenged to give 2013 a "Name", which I vehemently fought, since the word that kept coming to me was persist or persevere. I wrestled with God wondering why I couldn't have a fun word like "joy" or "contentment". I am tired of persevering. Also, I didn't want to revisit persisting with God about the opportunity for companionship as a single adult.

But the Father made it clear the persevering is about Him and for His glory. I am to keep on keeping on..taking truth in, letting it remain, continue, abide in me. AND persevere in sharing the truth of who God is with those He brings into my life.

I have learned the hard way I am only content and joyful when I am thanking Him for revealing Himself to me and walking in what He has called me to....

so I will persevere for 2013...I will continue, remain, and abide in Christ.

What will you abide in?

I would love to hear from you!

Happy New Year!


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