Wednesday 30 January 2013

On Confidence and Security as Women

I have noticed along life that two areas women struggle with include confidence and security.  As we put our trust in things of the world, whether it be a job or relationship, we often find either one to fall apart or bring pain from brokenness.

Back in 1993, when my marriage was already failing but to last another long 13 years, I was introduced to bible study. A friend knew I was returning to my hometown to live, without a support system. My now ex-husband was an over the road truck driver and absent for long periods of time, leaving me at home with a two year old (yes, I had been a single mom) and expecting our first child together.

That first year of bible study provided much for me: community, fellowship, and support. But the greatest think I learned that year was the following principle or lesson:

"I could try for the rest of my life to please my family, children, spouse, etc but would often come up empty. However, I could please the God of the universe, my heavenly father, with my life without ever wondering how to do so."

Wow, to have spent over two decades trying to measure up or perform to someone else's standards, bound by others expectations. This truth brought freedom and passion into my heart as I began a sweet journey of discovery as God planned for me unfolded through a committed time of study with him.

So after half my life has past, do I still ever struggle with insecurity or lack confidence. Of course. Those feelings just last for shorter periods of time and the Spirit of God, within me, is quick to remind me, through remaining in His word, promises like the ones found in 1st John 2: 25-29:

As a believer in Christ, I am:

a practicer of righteousness
a receiver of eternal life
 anointed by God who teaches me about ALL things
given confidence
given truth
abiding in Christ

So, today, as the winds of wordly philosophy blow against me that my parenting isn't relationship skills aren't enough, I fight back with truth, securely, (abiding in Him) and confidently.

Will you join me? Will you appropriate these truths into your own life. If they seem foreign to you, would you ask God to reveal Himself to you through these truths and make them real in your own life. We are secure in Him and we can be confident in Him.



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