Sunday 11 September 2011

Chapter Three "Content to be me"

I wonder if every woman embraced the truth that the Creator of all the universe "breathed the breath of life into them" would they hold their head higher?

I wonder if every woman knew their immeasurable value before God would they no longer condemn or criticize themselves?

I wonder if every woman knew their purpose on earth would they continue searching for something else to define them?

Psalm 139 speaks to these three truths. 

Verses 13 through 15 attest to God creating us...specifically stating, we are fearfully and wonderfully made; the psalmist speaking about God says, "Wonderful are your works (you and I  are the work he is referring to), and my soul knows it very well."

I am constantly thinking about people I I can bless them or encourage them or minister to them. Well verses 17 and 18 let us know that God is valuing us by thinking of us.....ALOT! The writer says, "How precious are your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I could count them, they would outnumber the sand."

My daughter is at the beach right now....I hope she walks along the sand and realizes that her heavenly father has her on his mind in a big way.

Finally, regarding our purpose, God lays it out as well in verse 16 "And in your book were all written the days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them." In other words, God has eveything planned out for us before it ever happens...nothing catches Him off guard. He knows past, present and future.

So I am made by Him, for Him, and am deeply loved by Him. These truths should produce great contentment in my heart. Then why is it that often I I still feel either inadequate or overwhelmed by my life circumstances producing discontent in my heart?

Maybe it's because I have never fully embraced the truths form the time they were taught to me. Maybe I have never given much thought to what God really says about me but rather have listened to the world with its distorted view of what makes one valuable, successful, and beautiful. Maybe even my parents didn't know these truths so they could not pass them down to the next generation.

Regardless of the reasons the truth is now out. It is inviting to me. And embracing the truths of scripture produce contentment and peace. Why? Because I am choosing to trust in Almighty God...the blessed controller of all circumstances (1Tim 6:15) who is "for me" and has my best interest at heart...who has given me a future and great hope (Jer 29)...plans to prosper me....and not to harm me. Over the past nineteen years I have trusted  little by little and found God faithful so today it is much easier to go back to what I know to be true...His word, His nature, and His character.

I am most assuredly discontent at least once a day if not more. I am only human. The most beautiful part is I now know how to recognize it, who to give it to, what truths to appropriate in my discontented circumstances, and can then rest and be at peace. And what an enormous difference it has made in my life.

Do you believe you are valuable in God's eyes....that He is constantly thinking about you...His creation and how He can bless you?

Do you know God has ordered your days to operate in the passions and giftings He has bestowed to you. It is in that place of corporate businesswoman, doctor, or homemaker that we find contentment. Are you operating in your giftings?

We are commanded in Genesis 1:28 to subdue...or bring to productivity that which is in our domain. Are you bringing to life and productivity what is under and around you?

First though you  must believe that you were created by God and in the image of God. We as believers are the image bearers of God. Are you properly presenting Him in and through your life to those around you.

My prayer for you today is that you WILL walk with your head higher because of who made you, that you will relish the idea of God thinking about you ALL the time when so often our love tank is empty from disappointment in personal relationships and life, and finally will you ponder your giftings and abilities questioning whether  you are content...I would love to know your thoughts regarding these truths.

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