Monday 8 November 2010

Exchanging the Drudgery of Duty for the Dance

We live in a definite performance based society. Culturally, our value is measured by our output. Our success is defined by the world in regards to who has the most stuff or the latest and greatest things or who is the best known. Thankfully, this is NOT God's perspective.  I am learning more and more about God through my kids. In the beginning of my parenting journey, the verbage in my home consisted of a lot of "shoulds" should do this and you should do that. And my motive was one of pride and fear of embarrassment should my kids act out in any way...heaven forbid in public at least in front of others. Unfortunately, my two older girls have had to correct some wrong thinking about how God feels about them and what His desires are for them as a result of my skewed view of God.

Joshua defines success as this, "meditate on it (God's word) day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful". Joshua 1:8

King Solomon, the wisest person who ever lived wrote in Ecclesiastes chapter 12:

13All has been heard; the end of the matter is: Fear God [revere and worship Him, knowing that He is] and keep His commandments, for this is the whole of man [the full, original purpose of his creation, the object of God's providence, the root of character, the foundation of all happiness, the adjustment to all inharmonious circumstances and conditions under the sun] and the whole [duty] for every man.  (Amplified version)

Finally, in the New Testament, John the Baptist, a cousin to Christ, says, "I am not the Christ but am sent ahead of Him. The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom's voice. That joy is mine and it is now complete." John 3:29

The point from all three passages is that the key to having joy and being joyful is Christ. We can have outgoing personalities which are friendly and optimistic and bounce around merrily for awhile but sooner or later the rubber will meet the road and life goes south due to some difficulty, tragedy, etc. It is then that the smile fades, tears form, our step becomes slower and outlook on life questionable. Only when our foundation is a life in Christ...we have trusted Him and are appropriating Christ life through us... will we be able continue living with joy in our hearts.

Most of us carry around alot of baggage in our hearts and lives from many sources. This baggage weighs us down, creates insecurities, and hinders us from receiving all that the Father has for abundant. I know I have had to go back to my two oldest girls and confess. "I got this wrong...if I could do it again, here's what I would say." As I have grown up in seeing God truly for who He is through His word...not what other people are saying about Him, I have grown in grace and hopefully become a more gracious person. I am better equipped now in truth to extend God's love and grace to those around me, including my children, who fail each day. Now, rather than shaming them into behaving in a manner that is not embarrassing to me, I am able to ask questions to address their heart, discuss honor and consideration with them, and point them to Christ.

Because that is exactly what the Father does for me. He is not standing there with a pointed finger wagging it at me shaming me for failing once again. His arms are open...He welcomes me (Come to me)...He knows me (all you who are weary and burdened)....He gives me rest (and I will give you rest)..He gives Himself to me (take my yoke upon you)...He teaches me (and learn from me) He is gentle with me(for I am gentle and humble in heart)..Matthew 11:28-30

For today, be good to yourself. Don't beat yourself up for your failures or get caught up in basing your worth on performing for others.  Rather run to Christ who is waiting for you with open arms to wrap you in His love and grace, to strengthen you, to uphold you, and to give you great joy!

1. Read Psalm 103:13-14. According to this verse, is God aware of our fragility and limitations? Does he expect more from us than we can give? What kind of compassion do you think a good father would have for his children? In what ways have your tried to earn God's acceptance. Write down any failures or sins you have committed that you think God has held against you. Write across the paper, "Forgiven and loved" and then throw it away-as an act of accepting His love and grace.

2.Read Psalm 13:1-2. What are the things in your life that are "too great" that you have been trying to handle?What would it look like for you to give these areas over to God? How can you still and quiet your soul?

3.  What does it mean, "Unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 18:3) How does a child exercise belief differently from an adult? Adults usually require proof before they will trust in anything. Does God want us to provide for our own needs or depend on him to provide? What would that look like in your life? How do you need to change your heart attitude in order to more fully enjoy God's Fatherhood?

4. Commit to simplifying  your life and seeking God with the innocent heart of a child, depending on him alone to accept you, just as you are.

The author's prayer:

Dear Precious Father,
     Help me to truly understand and know your compassionate love for me. Help me to quiet my heart and lean against you as a small baby leans against her mother. Please open my eyes to your priorities, and give me eyes in my heart to see you and enjoy each day. I do love you! In Jesus' name, amen.

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