Thursday 14 June 2012

Sometimes they tell you.....

I often was told during my earlier parenting years to write things down when your kids did something great, funny, cute, etc. Usually the advice came along with the truth that children grow up fast and the reality that you might forget the incident. I am adding this truth: It is important to record your memories with your children because there can be periods of time when the fruit in their life is few and far between.

On the days when there is bickering, squabbling, name calling, and days your kids must certainly be aliens, you will want to remember the good times. During the hard times, it helps to look back on our recordings to remember there are fun, happy, joy filled moments of child rearing.

I don't have beautiful scrapbooks or know how to make beautiful pictures on the computer. Yet, I am alot better at writing down via the blog or facebook or journaling what praiseworthy things are going on in my life.

God told the Israelites, as they brought the ark into Jerusalem, ""tell of all His wonderful acts" (1 Chronicles 16:9). The Israelites were exhorted to remember all God had done to deliver them. Remembering His faithfulness to His people gave them strength to press through future difficulties that surely came.

Likewise, when we remember the good fruit of our children's lives, it gives us strength to press through the difficult times when we can wonder if anything we say or do will ever make a difference.

As children of the Most High God, when we feel like we have gotten it all wrong and messed everything up as a parent (which are lies from the enemy), what a reward it is to be told by your children, that they get it.

Last January, Lawren, my oldest daughter, was completing an outreach in Chang Mai, Thailand with YWAM. She wrote the following words in a letter to me,

"I love you mom, and want you to know how amazing you are. God is good and continuing to use everything for His glory. This village is His, our family is His, and our futures are His. I am so excited to see how His authority rules over our family's lives in particular. I love you! Thank you for continuing to obey God in difficult times. It is imparting nations."

That was a moment I wanted to remember, I still today am treasuring her letter.

Likewise, my Mary, who just graduated is not much of a  talker but when she does something, it's obvious to many....not because she's's just how she communicates.

She communicates strength by hitting balls over the fence for home runs.

But when she tells me how she feels about me, this is what I get:

God is not required to give us sight of the benefits of our child training. Yet, in His mercy towards us there are moments when we can say, "Wow, they got it." I want to remember those moments.


Would you take the time to share your "ahaa" moments with your children that the Father has mercifully blessed you with?

Have a beautiful day,



  1. Awe, what encouragement, Pam. I was blessed to read your musings.

  2. Love it! Love her too! Thanks for sharing!
