Wednesday 18 April 2012

Simple pleasures revisited

I think I once shared with you my answer to the then challenging question three simple pleasures.... things that don't cost anything but when afforded you, bring great delight. I now know these pleasures as to produce a heart of thanksgiving in me as well.

My first simple pleasure is crossing the bridge daily to come home from wherever I've been..... be it work, Mom Heart, or the YMCA. When I cross that bridge over the muddy waters of the Tennessee River the tension starts ebbing down from my shoulders into my lower back and releases from my physical  body.

It doesn't matter that reckless kids are waiting on me or ball practices or supper to cook....everything is better at home. The picture above was taken yesterday. It was an afterthought. And this writing did not warrant me turning around to get the full view of coming into home. No, I was not willing to go back...I was too close to home...didn't want that stress creeping back up.

I am learning that simple pleasures provide opportunity to say thanks to God for His many gifts. Our Friday Mom Heart group is finishing up One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. I am learning "Eucharisteo"...the giving of thanks. Packed into that one word is the Greek word for JOY, GRACE, AND THANKSGIVING. I am further learning that eucharisteo, or the giving of thanks, always precedes the miracle.

So, in essence, I cross the simple pleasure...I give thanks to God...I am graceful and joyful.

Here are some other beautiful pictures of eucharisteo....


Easter Morning Breakfast

My joyful Hannah Rosie leaving a game the only way she knows how!

But today I am most thankful for the Father's love for He knows the desires of my heart. Because I  delight in Him, He gives me those desires. Yesterday was Thomas' tenth birthday. My baby is double digits! I had no money for dinner, three children going in three different directions for ball games, and faced the possibility of working later than usual. I just kept giving it all over to the Lord...He knew how much I wanted to make the evening special for Thomas. I just kept thanking Him even for the difficult place I was in.

The baby...always bringing laughter

So, unexpectedly, my brother shared the rent money from property down the street, my oldest daughter Lawren came by work, got the money, the grocery list and the menu, AND ALL BALL GAMES WERE CANCELLED. Finally, I only had to work about 30 minutes over!!! Last but not least...Thomas called on the way home and ask for a bbq chicken pizza to go with the spaghetti sissy was making....."You know's special for my birthday."

With thanksgiving again, I delivered a gift basket on the way home from work. The extra $10 delivery fee paid for his pizza. When we prayed over Thomas at dinner, I thanked God for rearranging our schedules, and bringing rain so we could all be together.

What are you thankful for and what miracles are you experiencing as a result of your thanksgiving? I would love to hear from you!


  1. I am continuously humbled by your obedience as a devout selfless servant of the Most High. You inspire me to trust more, speak less, and give endlessly. I love you.

    1. Then the Father has shown Himself faithful. I kept checking hoping my story would touch someone. What reward to know that should no one else respond, my heart is full as my first born embraced these words from my heart. You bring great joy to my calling as a mother. I love you!

  2. you guys are awesome..just so you know :)

    1. Thank you on behalf of Lawren and myself. Is this Melanie? I can't tell by the sign in name. If so, thanks as well for sharing the sheets for our getaway. I will miss you ladies on Friday at Mom Heart!

  3. Oh, how I love your blog posts. I have got to figure out how to be notified when you write... I keep seeing them after they've been up for a long time. Love YOU! :)

    1. And I love you and appreciate you for reading my stories. I think you can scroll to the bottom of the blog to sign up for new posts to come directly to your email. I see that on mine. Check it out. Thanks for the encouragement friend!!!!
