Thursday 22 March 2012

Come and Share Your Master's Happiness

This past weekend nineteen beautiful women gathered around  Lake Guntersville in North Alabama to celebrate motherhood at our very first Mom Heart retreat. The weekend was a culmination of the previous twelve years of my discipleship and recent training under speaker and author Sally Clarkson.

It was twelve years ago when there were three children under the age of six when I was introduced to Educating the Wholehearted Child by Clay and Sally Clarkson. Little did I know there were to be two more children added to our nest in less than four years.

Thank goodness the Father afforded me the opportunities to regularly attend annual Mom Heart conferences where the training, inspiration, and discipleship  method of parenting was instilled and modeled by the Clarkson family.

Having been raised in a broken home, I longed for something solid to ground myself and my family. The banner of Christ along with the nature and character of God has been the driving force of Mom Heart conferences as we have embraced  the biblical design of motherhood given to us by God.

Over the past twelve years as I practiced this method of discipleship and put into place certain elements in our family, I am seeing the fruit of my labor as I celebrate each unique season of my individual children's lives.

This past weekend I was able to, in turn, pass on some of these methods to a group of moms hungry as well to reach the hearts of their children. But I forgot to tell them something...

I forgot to tell them that on Sunday when we departed our spiritual mountain top experience beside the lake that they were entering back into the trenches of nothing less than warfare. I have had three of my gals calling in tears because it's just so hard to be in a broken marriage, so hard to deal with the spiritual training and development of our children when they are angry and rebellious. One woman even called me about another friend who needs to be encouraged and has no one to talk to.

So, today, I am so thankful for Mom Heart online, another resource to help us as we journey together to weather the storms of life. It is an honor to be considered a contributor to this powerful tool to encourage women. Thank you Father.

Why is it worth your valuable time to spend time here.
​Mom Heart Online is spiritual harbor. We’re here not just to bring you in to stay, but also to send you out to sail. We are a place any mom can come to be encouraged, equipped, and enabled as a mother after God’s heart. We are here to inspire and engage your heart with great content that calls you to a high vision for your life as a mother, to create an online community of moms where you can network and interact with others who share your heart, to train you how to easily start and lead your own Mom Heart Group to continue in life what you find online, and to provide quality and original materials and resources that will fill your heart and mind with life-changing wisdom and truth.
Please take a moment to visit TODAY the brand new  Mom Heart website. Also, the button on the right side  of my blog  will take you directly to the source of encouragement which has inspired me over the past twelve years.

You can also find us on twitter and facebook.

Matthew 25:21 "His master replied, Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful for a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!"

This is my heart after this past weekend. I felt the Father saying,  "Pam, you have been faithful with the children I entrusted to you, and now I am giving you more...these beautiful hearts of these women. Pass on my greatness to them. Love them. Care for them."

My gut level emotional response...."But Master, I am afraid"

Yet, my heart with overwhelming joy says, "May it be to me as you have said."

Who will you disciple? Who is the Father continuously bringing into your path that you can share the secrets of the kingdom of God. Your willing heart can be difference in the heart and life of a precious mom and child.

Finally, for the freebie....visit to find the book by Sally you are most interested in reading to grow in your journey as a mother. Leave a comment below or on my facebook page. I will announce the winner and book title on Monday.



  1. wow, yes. i definitely know about the attacks...3 monday and one sick child tues. night! but God's still good and He's in control! :) don't know what i'd do w/o you ladies in my life!!

    1. Nor do I sweet friend. I can't wait to see you tomorrow!

  2. Oh, yay! I would love to have a copy of Educating the Whole Hearted Child. It's so nice to find you here, Pam! I didn't know that you blogged. :)

    1. Hi Brianna, Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. I am attempting to blog more frequently. Maybe as a contributor to Mom Heart online the accountability will help me. Thank you for your kind words. Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. Mission of Motherhood.

    I had fun this weekend but I'm having a hard time with one thing. How do you describe honorable to a small child without using the word?

    1. Oh Amy, you ask the hard questions and keep loving me whether I can answer them right away or not. Honor makes a person feel special but can look alot of ways...maybe that will help. Let's talk more about it at Mom Heart tomorrow! Love you friend!
