Saturday 27 August 2011


 The search for and acquisition of contentment, a place of being satisfied, will most likely be debated for years. As I scan through my life years and circumstances thus far, I am reminded there are times when I believed a variety of events, material possessions, and people would bring contentment into my life.

For example,  as a mom I will be content when my toddler is potty trained or my teenager stops rebelling. As a single woman I will be content when I am in a relationship. As a working woman I will be content when I get a raise or promotion. This list goes on and on. You can fill in the blank. I will be content when _________.

However, when we base our contentment on externals, we come up empty handed. We are satisfied momentarily but then continue to look for the next "place of contentment". What we have seems never to quite be enough.

As I am journeying through life I am finding that real contentment is a way down deep place in my soul that is at rest regardless of the fact that I have tummy fat that I can't seem to be rid of, a few varicose veins in my legs popping up, deteriorating eyesight, a man has NOT shown up as a companion, I have not received a promotion, and just when my children move through some difficult phase (which seems constant since there are five of them!), they move into some new arena of challenges because life is just hard and we live in a fractured world.

Recently I finished The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom. It was my second read of this book. Her autobiography is a glimpse of real contentment, an assurance of the indwelling peace of God, in war torn Holland as her family hides Jews, is betrayed, and she spends years in a German concentration camp. More than anything as a mom I am convinced her faith was grounded in shared experiences with her family during her growing her years.

Now faith is described as a gift from God. Yet this faith is deepened and then tested throughout life as trials come along. However Paul tells us that contentment can be learned. I think before embarking upon this new study of Calm My Anxious Heart in MomHeart I have always approached contenment, like faith. Because Christ is content, we are content. But I see now as I study more that really contentment is a Christlike characteristic that can be taught and cultivated. Paul's life was full of anything but positive circumstances. He wrote them while imprisoned, chained to a guard, was misunderstood, beaten, deserted by friends. Yet, here are the words he penned:                          

"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is like to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned
the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who strenthens me." Phillipians 4:11-13

As I walk through the various trials of life whether they be parenting or relationships, etc. I can learn to be content regardless of whether these hard situations change or not when I trust that Christ is the blessed controller of every situation. (I Timothy 6:15)  When I choose to believe the truth that God is in control of everything, then I know nothing happens in my life that has not been first sifted through His hands. And I can choose to say from Psalm 16:5 "Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup, you have made my lot secure."

Some of my hardest "assignments" have been in the form of discipline for poor choices...choices I made that contradicted the nature and character of Christ. Yet, when I look at those hard assignments through a grid of love....the love of Christ for that came to save and died to save....I can't help but give thanks for a loving God who orchestrated events in such a way to get my attention in order to draw me closer to Him, to depend on Him, to know Him better and to be conformed to His image(Romans 8)....a purpose of our creation.

I keep finding the Father to love me enough to let me often hurt through my circumstances here on earth in order that He might do a greater work of healing my heart restoring me to a place of contentment in Him that stands the test of time.

Are you learning contentment? Will you embrace the truth that the Lord has "assigned" you your portion of whatever you are walking through today. There is rest and satisfaction and knowing as a believer you belong to the Creator of the world and your lot is secure..He is in control and promises to never leave us or forsake us even in them midst of  our most difficult circumstance.

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